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A glimpse of our new collection

We proudly present the launch of the Fall/Winter ‘24...

...in not too long. However, we can't wait too much longer and, as we have heard from you, neither can you! So we've prepared a little sneak peek for you to get into the collection vibe.

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’’This collection is about celebrating 
the beauty of elegance in our everyday life.’’

- Vivian Hoorn, creative director

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Have a look at our shoot in the beautiful cosmopolitan city of Paris

On this day, we were guided by the aesthetics, the art, and the casual yet 
sophisticated vibe that this city offers. Our new collection precisely reflects 
this atmosphere and elegance. Perhaps Paris has not only inspired us, but 
we could also inspire Paris.

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We hope that we've inspired you to follow 
the journey of this collection. 

Be prepared for some stylish yet lovable design pieces. 

Would you like to be one of the first to see the new collection? 
Make sure you are subscribed to the VIVEH newsletter!
For the VIVEH family, we offer early access to the Fall/Winter 2024 collection before anyone else, and we will surprise you with a special gift 🤍


For reading this edition of our blog. We appreciate every single one of you. Stay tuned
for lots more exclusive behind-the-scenes and special pieces written by the VIVEH team for you.
